Waste Heat Recovery System | Zero Emission
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Our Goal:

ORC  Process Waste
Heat Recovery System

The Organic Rankine Cycle (abbreviation ORC) is a Waste Heat Recovery System of operating steam turbines with a working fluid other than water vapor. The name of the case goes back to William John Macquorn Rankine, a Scottish-British physicist and engineer in the 19th century. As a working medium, organic liquids are used with a low evaporation temperature.

The Waste Heat Recovery System is primarily used when the available temperature gradient between the heat source and sink is too low for the operation of a turbine driven by steam. This is especially the case with power generation with the help of geothermal energy, combined heat and power and solar and marine thermal power plants. The expansion machines (turbine, screw expander, steam motor / reciprocating expander) are typically operated with silicone oil, refrigerant or combustible gas.

Thus, the waste heat of various processes can be used to generate electricity without this explodes unused to the environment through recooler.


Energy is becoming scarcer and more expensive, because our resources are being used up more and more. ORC now unlocks wasted energy and transforms it into clean electricity. This significantly reduces energy costs while making a valuable contribution to the protection of our environment.
It is our duty to the next generation to protect our planet and to meet our immense energy needs with alternative solutions. Instead, we are still wasting our resources. Industrially used energy is wasted up to 50 percent as waste heat. A simple second-generation ORC solution transforms this waste heat into valuable electricity.

Our Goal:
The energy Self-sufficient home.

Each new building is equipped with photovoltaic on the roof.
Depending on the location in Germany, photovoltaic supplies between 850 and 1200 hours of electricity a year.
With a roof area of ​​100 m2 this will deliver 12 kW peak (maximum electricity production per hour) per year.
Thus, the photovoltaic produces about 12000 kWh of electricity, of which the household needs about 3000 kWh for electrical household appliances, light, etc. which leaves 9000 kWh left over.
Nowadays, if this energy is to be stored over a year, it would have to be stored in many expensive batteries (which costs about € 1350000).
Instead, if the surplus electricity were used to split water into hydrogen H2 and oxygen O by means of the electrolysis, the hydrogen could afterwards be stored in tanks. This is a very cheap way to store energy.
In 36 cartridges holding 50 kWh each, 1800 kWh per 10 m² can permanently be stored.

A modern kfw 40 plus house requires very little energy due to its ventilation system with heat recovery and heat pump, even including cooling during the summer. Your stored energy can thus make your house self-sufficient.
By separating the water supply into drinking water, greywater, and blackwater, it is possible to achieve near self-sufficiency with the help of cisterns and wells.
The development of small fuel cells has made great progress in recent years, manufacturing products ready for the market.
Fuel cells convert the energy contained in hydrogen or natural gas directly into electrical power and heat in an electrochemical process without any moving parts. Fuel cells allow very high electrical efficiencies and work silently.
These processes are absolutely emission-free and serve the decarbonization of the environment.
A fuel cell for a four-person household generates 13000 kWh of electricity and 5200 kWh of hot water. With biogas this is emission-free and can provide a 4-person household.
Thus, a self-sufficient zero emission house according to EnEV is possible.

Our goal:
wind turbines

For centuries, wind has been the energy that drives people forward. He helped to cross oceans, grind grain and drain surfaces. Today, he plays a key role in the transition to a sustainable, environmentally friendly and climate-friendly power supply.
Wind turbines provide 9 percent of gross electricity consumption. By 2030, it should already be 25 to 30 percent. It is important to continue the expansion quickly. Wind turbines on land already produce cheaper electricity than new fossil power plants and have an excellent eco-balance. Wind power is the cheapest of all renewable energies. In 2013, 42.5 percent of the renewable electricity was generated from wind power.
Wind turbines on land, also known as onshore wind energy, are the leading force in the energy transition. Over the past two decades, it has evolved from a niche to the primary technology of renewable energy technology. With a power mix share of over 8 percent, it accounts for half of the total renewable electricity in Germany.
Wind turbines installed in Germany produced about 107 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2017 (onshore: 88.7 billion kWh / offshore: 19.8 billion kWh). At the end of 2017, Germany had 50,019 MW of wind energy capacity, of which 4,108 MW at sea. Wind energy now covers 18 percent of total gross electricity consumption
Here we would like to start and make our contribution

Our goal:
Biogas plants

Biogas is one of the most successful sources of energy among renewable energies. At the end of 2012, around 7,600 biogas plants were in operation in Germany. The future role of biogas in the implementation of the energy transition depends above all on the costs of power generation from biogas. How can biogas be provided efficiently and ecologically and used more economically?
It is considered the energy source of the future - biogas. The gas is generated by the degradation of biomass. For example, manure, food residues and, of course, energy crops, especially corn, are used as input substances for the fermentation process. More and more cities and communities are thinking of using biodegradable food leftovers, grass clippings and other remains from food production to produce biogas.
Among regenerative energies, biogas is regarded as the all-rounder: not only electricity and heat can be generated simultaneously with it. Biogas can also be used as a substitute for natural gas and as a fuel. The gas is also very "durable". It can be flexibly stored spatially and temporally. Biogas is therefore particularly interesting for the production of energy.
But even today, renewable energies make a significant contribution to energy supply in Germany. As can be seen from the current situation report of the German Farmers' Association, at the end of 2009 the environmentally friendly energies already accounted for 10.1 percent of the total energy consumption in Germany. In fact, around 16 percent of German electricity consumption was already covered by renewable energy sources; Wind energy, biomass, hydropower and photovoltaics supplied around 94 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. The electricity from biomass made up a share of almost 33 percent.. Nevertheless, the other 89.9 percent of the total energy consumption in Germany still need to switch over.
In the future, biogas will be used as fuel in passenger cars and as a material for the chemical industry. This development could be accelerated by a separate Renewable Gas Feed In (EGE). This would allow the industry to feed six billion cubic meters of biomethane annually into the natural gas grid by 2020. That equals six percent of the current German consumption of natural gas.

Our goal:
Reduce the carbon footprint of private housEholds

About 15 percent of German CO2 emissions come from private households. In the emissions statistics of the Federal Environmental Agency privat households are right after the power plant and the transport sector in third place. The CO2 emissions of the private households account for the energy used for residential purposes (heating, electricity) as well as from the motorized private transport. Private consumption is not even covered. A lot of the daily things you do has an impact on greenhouse gas emissions: how you heat, what you eat and how much you shop. And the savings potential is enormous!

Better windows or a modern heating, for example, can significantly improve your personal carbon footprint as well as save a large part of the energy costs. Today, efficient refrigerators often consume only half as much electricity as appliances from ten years ago. The abandonment of meat and other animal products or the purchase of regionally and ecologically produced foods can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Even small things add up: For example, turning down the heating by one ° C in winter saves about six percent of heating energy. And the standby function may swallow only a few watts on the individual device but calculated over the year each watt (in the current German power mix) causes 5.5 kilograms of CO2. Nationwide, this unnecessary consumption of electricity adds up to five to ten million megawatt hours. In other words: Two to three average coal-fired power plants could be taken off the grid if all standby devices were shut down completely.

Around 20 percent is the climate advantage of organic eggs compared to conventional production. One kilogram of eggs from organic farming cause about 1,550 grams of CO2 - with the usual chicken farming, it is more than 1,800 grams. Almost all organic foods are better in terms of carbon footprint than conventional products. Organic farmers work without artificial fertilizers and pesticides, whose production is energy-intensive and therefore CO2-intensive. Organic chicken farming, for example, excludes imported fodder soybeans, which are often used to cut down rainforests.

All of what was mentioned above are small but powerful things each individual can do to support a smaller carbon footprint.

Zero Emission’s goal is to realize emission reduction on a larger scale with the help of your membership and the development of a strong community that can achieve great things together.

Our first project is a biogas plant. Biogas plants save the atmosphere from a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. In the electricity sector alone, around 9,000 German biogas plants avoid nearly 15 million tonnes of CO2 each year. In addition, a good four million tonnes are generated by the provision of heat and 100,000 tonnes in traffic. In total, this corresponds to the annual output of just under 1.6 million German citizens. The current german biogas plants neutralize almost the entire carbon footprint of all inhabitants of Hamburg.

Broken down to an average German "standard biogas plant" with almost 400 kilowatts of rated power, this corresponds to a saving of 1,800 tons of CO2 per year. While the biogas plant emits around 500 tonnes of CO2 per annum through the provision of substrates, the construction of the plant and process emissions, a fossil-based power plant of the same size generates almost 2,300 tonnes.

German households will produce about 90 million tons of CO² in 2017. That's 10% of all CO² emissions. That's 11.63 tons of CO² per household per year.

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